Beginning with the Basics

You are never to young to learn the basics!


It is highly recommended that your dancers begin their dance career with ballet classes. Ballet is considered to be the foundation of dance. The skills that are taught in this style will be used in all genres of dance and can be carried with your dancer throughout their life!

Some of the benefits of ballet classes include:

  • Rhythm

    • Learning how to count music will help dancers stay in the correct rhythm of the music

    • Learning how to count music will also helps the dancers perform a clean routine

  • Conditioning

    • Stretching will build up muscle, creating strength

    • Helps improve balance and posture

  • Confidence

    • Learning proper posture will increase the confidence of your dancer. Posture alone can boost confidence both inside the dance studio and in school or other social environments.

    • Having self confidence will help the dancers become more comfortable when performing.

Amanda Bruno