Performance Team

The purpose of the Melrose Dance Academy Performance Team Program is to provide dancers who have the interest, with an opportunity to dance at a higher level and make more of a commitment to dance, their team and the studio.  Performance Team dancers must show determination, dedication, respect and a desire to be a productive dancer of this team.  We want to inspire students on our Teams to encourage and help each other to become better dancers and individuals. We expect each of our team dancers to be a positive role model to others.

We have five levels of Performance Team for ages 7+

Learn more about our Competitive Acro Team!

How does my dancer join one of the Performance Teams?  Any dancer has the opportunity to audition for the MDA Performance Team that are between the ages of 6 - 18. Dancers will have to set up an audition time to meet with one of our Team instructors…

How does my dancer join one of the Performance Teams?
Any dancer has the opportunity to audition for the MDA Performance Team that are between the ages of 7 - 18. Dancers will have to set up an audition time to meet with one of our Team instructors. Our staff takes a lot of factors into account when auditioning students such as determination, persistence, attitude, focus, dedication and dance ability. The audition fee is $25 which covers the instructor and studio time.

What determines which Performance Team my dancer is placed on?

Dancers will be placed on a Performance Team by the MDA Team instructors based on their ability level and maturity of choreography/music. Level placement is not up for discussion and age does not guarentee your dancer a spot on a specific team.

My daughter has been dancing at MDA for more than a decade and has been part of the competition team for the past 7 years.
MDA has become an integral part of our lives and my daughter considers the students and staff there to be family. The experiences of dancing in Disney, NYC, and for the Celtics and Red Sox are so much fun, and the conventions and master classes the girls get to take are incredible. My daughter plans on making dance a career, and it is all because of Miss Amanda and the opportunities she is provided with at MDA. I am certain she will be well trained and ready for a future in dance.
— Joellen B.

Our Goal:

The MDA Performance Team has been created to give dancers who want more out of their dance education the opportunity. We will provide your dancer with challenging, fun and memorable experiences throughout their time on the team. Throughout the year, we do our best to give your dancer the best experience they can have, while making sure they are getting the best dance training we can offer. We aim to develop a team spirit and respect among all dancers of the team, as well as parents, teachers, and other non-competition students. Also, we aim to foster the positive aspects of competition including how to work toward a goal and strive for excellence, as well as how to win and lose gracefully.


-Melrose Victorian Fair & other local events

-Local charity events

-Two to three Competitions (March, April, and/or May)

-Dress Rehearsal and Recital (end of May or beginning of June)

-Sporting events (Boston Celtics, Providence Bruins, Boston Red Sox games etc.)

-Optional trips we have taken: New York (Dance The World Broadway & the Rockette Experience), Walt Disney World (Dance the World Disney, Disney Performing Arts Program) Nashville, TN (Dance the Magic, Grand Ole Opry)





Lyrical (for our teams ages 11+)

Production (optional)

Contemporary (optional)

Solos/Duos (decided by the studio director)

Performance Team Interest Form