Studio Guidelines and Policies
It’s our absolute pleasure to warmly welcome you into our family at Melrose Dance Academy. Our team is thrilled to see many familiar faces return to the studio and even more excited to see some new faces join our community. While we would love you to take the time to read this information carefully, we have it here on our website for you to refer to as you need, don’t forget that we are always here to help and will happily answer any questions you may have. Nothing is too big or too small, we promise!
To enroll in any lessons or participate in trial classes, a Registration Form must be completed for each student. Along with the form, a non-refundable registration fee of $35 will be charged per family. Once your form has been processed you will receive an invoice for the registration fee in your email.
We will hold your dancer's spot in their class for 14 days. If the registration fee is not paid within that time, the spot will be released, and the dancer may lose their placement.
Class Placement: All class placements are determined at the discretion of the Instructor and/or Studio Director to ensure proper level and progression for each dancer.
Before participating in any class, all waivers must be signed.
Important Notes:
Registration fees are non-refundable.
Class spots will only be reserved upon receipt of the registration fee.
If a dancer is absent or unable to attend a class, makeup classes are available per the studio’s makeup class policy.
Please double-check that all necessary forms and payments are completed in full to avoid any delays in enrollment.
We are excited to welcome your dancer to the 2025-2026 season!
Your child’s attendance is essential to their growth, and the success of the class. Consistent participation not only helps your child improve but also ensures that their peers are able to practice and refine routines together. When a dancer misses class, it can affect recital preparation, teamwork, and the confidence-building environment we work hard to create.
We ask that you commit to ensuring your child attends classes on time each week. If you know in advance that your child will be absent due to holidays, vacations, school trips, or other commitments, please notify us ahead of time so we can plan accordingly.
Important Notes:
Tuition is not refunded for missed classes.
We value clear communication, so please always inform us of any planned absences or if your child is unwell.
Regular attendance helps your child build discipline, confidence, and teamwork, which are key components of their dance education.
We appreciate your support and commitment to ensuring your child’s success!
Tuition at Melrose Dance Academy is based on the total cost for classes and is payable on a monthly basis. Invoices are sent out on the 1st of each month to your email. Our dance season runs from September through the beginning of June and tuition covers classes, dress rehearsal, picture day, and recital.
Please note that tuition is not reduced for months with holidays, vacation weeks, or absences due to illness. In the event of an extended illness, please contact the studio to discuss possible arrangements.
Accepted Payment Methods: Cash, check, or online payments. All checks should be made payable to Melrose Dance Academy.
Late Fees: Payments are due by the specified date on your invoice. If payment is not received by the due date, a $25.00 late fee will be added to your account for each month the payment is late.
Returned Payments: There will be a $25.00 fee for any returned payments.
No Pro-Rating: Monthly tuition is determined based on the entire 9-month dance season and is never pro-rated, regardless of how many classes are attended in a given month.
Refunds and Transfers: All registration fees and tuition are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Past Due Accounts: If a student’s account is two months behind, the student will not be allowed to attend class until the account is brought current.
We appreciate your prompt attention to payments, and thank you for your continued support of Melrose Dance Academy!
Withdrawal Policy
Written Notice Required: A 30-day written notice before the 1st of the next month is required to withdraw a dancer from classes at the studio. Notice must be submitted in writing via email to
Tuition and Fees: Tuition for the upcoming month will be charged unless the written notice is received at least 30 days before the 1st of the month. No prorating of tuition. Full payment for the month is due if withdrawal notice is not received prior to the start of the month.
Withdrawal After February 1: If a dancer withdraws after February 1, 50% of the remaining tuition for the season will be due.
Failure to Withdraw Properly: Dancers who are not attending regularly, but who have not formally withdrawn, will be subject to continued tuition fees until proper written notice of withdrawal is given.
Special Circumstances: In the event of a medical emergency, serious illness, or other exceptional circumstances, the studio will review each case on an individual basis. We may allow for adjusted withdrawal terms, with proper documentation.
Communication is Key: Parents/guardians are encouraged to reach out to the studio prior to making the decision to withdraw to discuss any concerns. We value open communication and will work with families to address any issues.
Re-enrollment: Students who withdraw and wish to re-enroll later will be subject to availability in the desired class. A re-enrollment fee may apply.
Make-up Class Policy
Students may make up missed classes due to emergencies, extreme circumstances, a family vacation, or health-related absences. To arrange a make-up class, please email a doctor's note with the specific date of the missed class to the studio within 1 week of the absence. Dancers can not attend more than 5 make-up classes a season.
Make-up classes must be attended within 2 weeks of the missed class, and the makeup must be for a class of a similar style or level. Please note that classes focused on recital choreography (during March, April, and May) cannot be used as make-up classes due to performance preparation.
Classes missed for any other reason or outside of the allowed time frames are not eligible to be made up, and no refunds will be offered.
Thank you for your understanding!
Behavior and Conduct Policy
At Melrose Dance Academy, we prioritize kindness, leadership, discipline, and teamwork. To maintain a positive and productive dance environment, all students are expected to adhere to the standards set forth in our policies.
We expect our students to demonstrate respect and good behavior at all times, both in and out of the classroom. This includes being respectful to their teachers, peers, and the space. If a student becomes disruptive, the Teacher or Director reserves the right to remove the student from class. The student may return to class at the Teacher/Director’s discretion once the behavior is addressed.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for disrespectful behavior. Any form of rudeness, disrespect, or conflict caused by a student or parent will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to inappropriate language, threats, or disruptive actions. In cases of severe or repeated behavior issues, the Academy reserves the right to remove individuals from classes or events.
Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful environment for everyone, and we rely on our dancers and their families to help foster this atmosphere. Thank you for being an important part of our dance community!
Social Media and Communication Policy
Please remember that anonymity on social media is not guaranteed, especially when posts, images, or videos identify children in your care. Any comments deemed obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, or hateful toward MDA staff, students, or families may result in disciplinary or legal action. Sensitive studio information should not be shared online.
All matters related to the studio (fees, scheduling, placements, performance opportunities, etc.) should be communicated directly to the Artistic Director/Studio Owner and not via social media. We encourage open communication with us and ask that all feedback, concerns, or questions be addressed directly.
We discourage parents/students and teachers from becoming "friends" or "followers" on social media unless a personal relationship already exists. We respect personal boundaries.
Dancers and Parents/Guardians may not represent MDA or the owner/director in any private social media groups or networking sites. We encourage participation on MDA’s official platforms (website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook), but always with respect and kindness. Inappropriate commentary may lead to probation, suspension, or expulsion from MDA.
You may not post photos or videos of MDA dancers other than your own without prior consent from their parent/guardian.
General Policies
Class Cancellations: Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
Timeliness: Please ensure you drop off and pick up your dancer promptly.
No Gum or Food: Gum chewing is not allowed in the studio or waiting room. No food or drink is allowed in the studio or waiting area (water is allowed).
Sibling Supervision: Parents are responsible for monitoring any siblings who are not enrolled in lessons.
Class Observation: Observation from the waiting room windows is allowed when the instructor opens the blinds. Please refrain from peeking through the door or opening the blinds yourself, as it can be a distraction for both the teacher and students.
Liability: Melrose Dance Academy and its staff are not liable for any damage or loss of personal property or valuables.
Choreography Use: All choreography learned by a student is the sole property of Melrose Dance Academy. It cannot be copied or used outside of the studio without permission from the director.
Authorized Personnel Only in the Dance Space: No person(s) are allowed in the dance area without an MDA instructor present.
Enrollment Changes: Parents must inform MDA of any changes in enrollment. Accounts will not be refunded if a dancer takes time off without notifying the studio.
Make-Up Classes: Make-up classes are offered as a courtesy and are not guaranteed. Please refer to our make-up policies above.
Account Cancellation: A 30-day notice is required to cancel a studio account. If no notice is given, the account holder agrees to pay tuition for all months charged. A student will not be considered withdrawn until the director is notified in writing.
All MDA students are given the opportunity to perform in our Recital at the end of our season. Participation in our Recital in not mandatory for our dances, however, we must me notified in writing by November 1 if your dancer will not be participating in the Recital. Parents are responsible for costumes deposits and balances by the due
dates. Costume payments are non refundable and non transferable. Parents are also responsible for purchasing tickets to MDA performances in advance – MDA makes no guarantee that tickets will not sell out. Tickets are non refundable and no exchanges can be made.
• Students must be enrolled by February to participate in the June show
• At the Director’s discretion a new student may be invited to perform regardless of enrollment date
• Dress Rehearsals and Recitals are held locally.
• No video/flash photography allowed at studio performances
• Students are required to remain backstage with instructors for the length of the full show
•There are no regularly scheduled classes Recital week – the show activities replace all classes at the studio
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, please call or text the studio 781-665-6993. An email will also be sent to the email address you provided at registration, we will send out timely notices when possible. You can also check our social media accounts for updates. If the Melrose Public schools are closed, the classes prior to 3:00pm will be canceled. Evening classes will be determined by road conditions and weather reports. As always we ask for parents and students to use their best judgment, as your safety is our main concern during these times.
MDA sends primary communications via EMAIL. We do not share email addresses with anyone. Monthly newsletters, invoices, and important studio information is all sent via EMAIL. Please check with our front desk to make sure that we have your correct email address on file. It is your responsibility to read our monthly newsletters so you are aware of any important dates!
Contact Us!
Fill out the form below for a prompt reply from Melrose Dance Academy.